Family and/or Couples Therapist Adelaide DBT


Salaried part-time or contractor position (up to 0.4FTE)

Adelaide DBT are looking for Family Therapist and/or Couples Therapists to join our growing team!

This position is suitable to:

  • Psychologists who hold registration. Clinical Registrar program supervision is available to psychologists currently or looking to undertake this pathway. If you are interested in learning/training in family or couples therapy, we are happy to support development of this area 
  • Registered clinicians with existing experience in Family Therapy and/or Couples Therapy including:
    • Accredited Mental Health Social Workers
    • Occupational Therapist
    • Registered Nurses 

Clinicians who are not experienced in DBT will be supported to undertake further training and supervision as part of the role. This role will include the opportunity to faciliate workshops and group therapy, if desired.  

We are a multidisciplinary team that specialise in the delivery of Dialectical Behaviour Therapy, but also deliver CBT, Schema Thearpy, EMDR and a variety of other evidence based therapies. We also offer a specialist eating disorder and trauma program and are particularly interested in psychologists with interests in either area. 


Competitive salary and flexible hours/days available.

Please contact Melissa for further information on [email protected].




Adelaide DBT

Job Salary

$90,000 - $119,999

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