Counsellor The Gender Centre Inc


About us

The Gender Centre Inc: is the leading not-for-profit organisation supporting the transgender, gender diverse and gender questioning people of NSW for nearly 40 years.
We support trans and gender expressive people at every stage of their journey as they explore their authentic sense of self. This includes for some of our clients transition support (pre, -mid-and post transition) .We maintain the highest standards in cultural competency skills necessary to respond to and advocate for this community.
Applications close December 22nd 2022

Qualifications & experience

  • Relevant tertiary or University qualifications in counselling, psychology, social sciences with 2-3 years’ experience post qualifications
  • Registration with the following associations: minimum level 2 membership with the Australian Counselling Association (ACA) Clinical membership of the Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation (PACFA).
  • Experience and expertise in the provision of evidence based short term personal counselling with a population who present with a broad range of varying complexity including gender dysphoria, STI/HIV/BBV, sexual assault, suicide and AOD.
  • Preparedness to undertake flexible work hours in the provision of group work within a counselling context
  • Demonstrated knowledge and understanding of the issues pertaining to the transgender, gender diverse and gender questioning community
  • Ability to liaise and work with a range of people from diverse and marginalised communities.
  • Ability to work within a small multidisciplinary team
    Ability to respond appropriately to clients in crisis
  • Experience in the delivery of evidence-based face to face and telephone clinical support services using primarily person centered and cognitive behaviour therapy, solution focused therapy, complex grief and loss counselling and other therapeutic approaches
  • Experience in promoting the safety and wellbeing of carers and their families which includes knowledge of child protection, mental health and domestic violence, evidenced by effective and relevant counselling practices

Tasks & responsibilities

  • To provide clinical services to transgender, gender diverse and gender questioning people and significant others around issues of gender.

    Provide counselling to clients on other presenting issues such as sexual assault, D&A, STI/HIV/BBV and in particular suicide.

  • Attend supervision and staff meetings on a regular basis and participate in debriefing processes with other staff members.

    Maintain awareness of current developments in the fields relevant to HIV/AIDS, harm reduction, legal developments, and contemporary transgender issues.

  • Provide monthly and annual reports to the Manager on all aspects of the counsellor’s role, particularly in relation to this job description. The reporting should include the application of the centres wellbeing measurement tool (K10) as part of the counsellor’s duties.
  • Be prepared to participate in interagency meetings and functions in order to ensure that transgender clients are represented as a proportion of clients of other agencies or for the purpose of positive networking.
    Provide supervision and guidance to counselling students on placements at the centre.
  • Refer clients appropriately to other staff within the agency and/or other external services when required.

    Comply with Gender Centre requirements regarding client data collection.

  • Access training relevant to the position,



The Gender Centre Inc

Employment Type


Job Salary

$70,000 - $83,300

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