Queensland Fertility Group is a leading provider of IVF and fertility related treatment in Queensland. We aim to provide the highest possible standards in fertility treatment in a caring, compassionate and personalised environment.
Applications are sought from registered Psychologists/Social Workers to work with our South East Queensland team in delivery of counselling services to our fertility patients. The successful applicant for this full time role will work with our multidisciplinary team across a number of South East Clinics.
Individual presentations commonly seen in our practice cover a wide range of fertility issues including:
- Mandatory counselling about the implications of conception using donor genetic material
- Fertility and ART treatment decision making counselling
- Grief counselling related to fertility treatment and loss
- Support and crisis counselling
Applications will be considered from fully registered psychologists or qualified social workers with counselling experience and eligibility for ANZICA membership https://www.fertilitysociety.com.au/anzica/
Applications, please contact Fiona McDonald (QFG Senior Counsellor) [email protected]