Apply to become a witness intermediary with the Child Sexual Offence Evidence Program
Victims Services, part of the Department of Communities and Justice, is seeking expressions of interest to join the panel of NSW witness intermediaries.
As part of the Child Sexual Offence Evidence Program, witness intermediaries assist child victims and witnesses with communication during police interviews and court proceedings for sexual offence matters.
Witness intermediaries assess the communication abilities of children and make recommendations verbally and in written reports to police and courts on how to best support the child’s communication needs. This includes ensuring that:
- the child understands the questions put to them
- the child can communicate their answers effectively
- the language used is appropriate for the child’s developmental or communication needs.
Witness intermediaries are required to attend at NSW Police Child Abuse Unit locations, NSW District Courts for hearings, and other locations in person, as well as remotely or online as required.
Applications are sought from suitably qualified and experienced:
- social workers
- psychologists
- occupational therapists
- speech pathologists
- teachers.
We welcome applications from all eligible professionals from all locations in NSW. We strongly encourage applications from those who are:
- Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander
- from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds
- located in regional, rural, and remote communities.
Learn more and apply online at
Applications close Friday, 8 September 2023.
For more information, contact us:
- call 1800 633 063 (option 6)
- email [email protected]