Head of Student Wellbeing Waverley College


 Head of Student Wellbeing

 Permanent Position

Waverley College invites applications for a positive and enthusiastic Proficient Teacher to commence in Term 1 2024. This is an opportunity to join a school where your skills are valued, your creativity is nurtured, innovation is actively encouraged, and where teachers are appreciated every day.  Applicants must be experienced, innovative practitioners, have demonstrable ICT skills, be supportive of the Catholic ethos of the community and be willing to participate in the co-curricular life of the College.  Waverley College is a Catholic school in the Edmund Rice tradition.

The Head of Student Wellbeing is a newly created role reporting to the Deputy Principal Students providing leadership in all aspects of student wellbeing and formation across Years 5-12. This is a key role that requires significant leadership and management experience, experience in running investigations and high emotional intelligence, please see the Role Description on the employment page for the full requirements of the position.

Some of the responsibilities of this role include:

  • Leading the Student Wellbeing program, in partnership with the Deputy Principal Students, that addresses spiritual, intellectual, social, emotional, cultural and physical growth and development. 
  • Working with the Heads of House team ensuring consistency and commonality in care, procedures and processes across Houses and year levels
  • Working closely with the Director of Curriculum in tracking academic performance at the College and developing the connection between student wellbeing and academic progress
  • Working closely with the Director of Co-curricular in ensuring College expectations, sportsmanship, and standards of behaviour are embedded throughout our participation for all activities
  • Developing and coordinating, in collaboration with the Director of the Junior School, the transition program from Junior School to High School
  • Establishing networks both within the EREA school community and the local and national educational community
  • Case manages students and makes recommendations for corrective action 
  • Engages in the most recent educational research and literature relating to student wellbeing and applies it to the EREA context at Waverley

Invitations to interview may be extended beyond the close date and /or reduced should a suitable candidate be found.

How to apply:

Applicants must have a current working with children check and have the right to work in Australia for the duration of this employment Please use the online Teacher Application Form found on the College website: waverley.nsw.edu.au/information/employment.

Telephone enquiries to Kelly Hatcher, 02 9369 0678                           

Applications close 29 November 2023

All applicants will be subject to EREA and legislative screening procedures. These checks are consistent with EREA’s commitment to child protection policies and procedures. Edmund Rice Education Australia is committed to ensuring the safety, wellbeing and dignity of all children and young people.


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