About the
Certified Practising Counsellors Australia
Certified Practising Counsellors Australia is a professional organisation dedicated to advocating for and on behalf of counsellors and their clients nationwide. We represent the interests of both the public and our members, acting as an intermediary body for both parties. Our organisation believes in maintaining strong relationships with key stakeholders and advocating for fair outcomes for all.

Our vision

Certified Colleges
Any and all colleges which provide authentic and nationally recognised counsellor qualifications will be accepted by our organisation.

What we offer
We offer a range of services to our members including career opportunities, certified courses for personal development and up to date resources
Member Services
- Professional authentication and recognition of counsellor education qualifications
- Strengthening of networks through CPCA membership
- Mediation between counsellor and client concerns and communications
Complaints and professional services
Here at the CPCA we take professional misconduct very seriously. We handle complaints for our members and mitigate complaints for our members.
Quarterly e-Newsletter
CPCA provides a quarterly e-newsletter to keep members informed of relevant events and updates within our organisation and the industry as a whole.
Aims and objectives
- To exist as an intermediary body for Australian counsellors and their clients
- To set, monitor and improve upon current professional standards within Australian counselling practice
- To assess and authenticate counsellor qualifications
- To facilitate effective intermediation pertaining to counsellor & client concerns
- To promote counsellors’ professional development and growth
What is a certified practising counsellor?
If an individual is a certified practising counsellor they exhibit the following behaviours and education:
- They have an appropriate qualification from a certified college
- They have been verified in their knowledge and their commitment to the industry
- They engage in the continual development of their industry skills
- They engage their clients with the highest regard following the code of conduct developed by the certified practising counsellors in Australia.