Clinical Psychologist Telehealth Emerge Psychology


Mental Health Medicare Providers across Australia choose their hours and earn a high profit margin at Emerge Psychology™, Australia-wide Telehealth practice.  Only consider applying if you are eligible for a Medicare Provider Number.  Yes! We do offer placements for reg psychs upgrading to Clinical.

Who we are

Emerge Psychology™ is Australia’s longest serving private psychology Telehealth service. We treat mild to moderate high prevalence disorders / anxiety and depression.   

We have a delightfully friendly team across Australia (psychologists, psychiatrists and social workers) who thrive given the focus of Emerge Psychology™ on self-care, and the many benefits of working entirely from home.  So put a load of washing on and read on if you want to work autonomously but with the benefits  on-tap support. 

Our unique fee arrangement helps us help our clinicians to make a difference. We do not charge our clinicians a percentage like most organisations, and furthermore, we don’t charge a higher rate when our clinicians earn higher rates (e.g. metro patients, NDIS, work cover).  This unique and generous structure supports our clinicians to  bulk-bill rural and remote patients yet derive a sound profit.  Yay for work that is profitable, interesting and rewarding. 

More details regarding our unique fee structure:

Clinicians receive their fees minus ($15.40 per 50+ mins session completed).  There is also a membership fee of $27.50 per month.  

There is a mix of three different fees that our clinicians bill for their services.

The fees clinicians receive range from (1) the bulk-billed rebate (for rural and remote patients) to (2) rebate amount plus $115 gap (for metro patients) and (3) for NDIS or work cover, the rates you receive are as standard for these third parties.  Emerge Psychology™ does not charge any more than $14 per session plus GST, even in cases where clinicians are making double per hour than the rebate amount.  Although the bulk of your patients through this service will be rural/remote, with a proportion of patients being billed at these higher rates, on average your profit increases while we support those in areas with work-force shortages. 

Run by the prior Clinical Advisor of the APS, this is a service with a mission to enhance your life as a clinician.  

The peer networking provided by videolink can be utilised to assist you maintain AHPRA’s requirements for registration. 

Have a look at how we work here 

Essential Qualifications & experience

  • Registration with AHPRA or as a MH accredited Social Worker
  • Medicare Provider Registration is essential – please don’t apply if you don’t have this. 
  • Several years of experience providing treatment for high prevalence mental health disorders essential
  • A desire to help re-dress workforce shortages is highly regarded

Tasks & responsibilities

Providing professional psychological services by Telehealth from your home office 

Your responsibilities in this role are as per AHPRA (or AASW) and Medicare.

Benefits include:

  • clinical support,
  • access to resources,
  • peer networking,
  • an IT platform that allows you to work with maximum flexibility, while enjoying the comfort of on-tap support with:
  • marketing of your profile, 
  • 24/7 reception service, 
  • integrated HIPPA complaint features including online booking system, with your own virtual consulting room accessible 24/7, 
  • end-to-end encrypted email, 
  • fax from email, 
  • SMS via email, 
  • 24/7 personal message service, 
  • a dedicated clinician self-care helpline, 
  • in-house Psychiatry and 
  • full access to pre- and post- assessment tools online.
  • For further information contact 

Nicole Hayes 

[email protected]

Ph 1300 963 723

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