Employment Services Counsellor yourtown


yourtown is a trusted provider of services for young people, with a focus on mental health and wellbeing, long-term unemployment, prevention of youth suicide, child protection, as well as support for those experiencing domestic and family violence.

yourtown helps children and young people realise they have the ability to tackle whatever life throws at them. We help them to believe in their unique strengths, tenacity and self-determination. We recognise the courage and determination of children and young people when they reach out to yourtown for support.

Realise your potential at yourtown

your opportunity

We have an exciting new opportunity for a passionate and qualified Employment Services Counsellor to join our Transition to Work team in Kingaroy to support and improve educational, employment and wellbeing outcomes for young job seekers aged 15 – 24. You will provide counselling and therapeutic support throughout the young job seekers’ journey by engaging education, employment and/or training options to support employability development.

This is a crucial role to help young job seekers find their gateway to a successful career !

Your key day to day tasks will include:

• Using a client centered, strengths-based approach to provide professional counselling interventions to young job seekers (15-24 years of age) with an outcomes focused Employment Service delivery framework.
• Conducting intake and psychosocial appointments for new members.
• Assessing and managing risk and providing crisis intervention.
• Networking and building relationships with key stakeholders including yourtown staff, employers, training organisations and education providers to maximise outcomes for job seekers.
• Providing expert guidance to the job seekers on labour market concepts, education opportunities and training opportunities that are available.

This is a permanent part-time (22.8 hours per week) opportunity based in Kingaroy !

what we are looking for

Mandatory Bachelor level qualification in Psychology, Human Services, Social Work, Counselling or similar.
• A minimum of 1 year counselling experience or related experience working therapeutically with vulnerable young people.
• Your practice will be reflective and invite insights and continuous development through operational and practice supervision frameworks.
• Demonstrated skills and experience in assessment, case formulation and planning, therapeutic interventions, and capacity to provide culturally appropriate counselling responses to clients.
• An understanding of the local labour market, training, and education pathways to assist disadvantaged young people into sustainable employment.
• Demonstrated understanding of social, cognitive, developmental, and mental health issues confronting young people and their families.
• Proficient skills in using technology and systems; our compliance requirements are high and your administration needs to be on par with this.

our program

Transition to Work (TtW) is the Australian Government’s youth specialist employment service that supports young people to develop practical skills to gain employment or connect with education or training. At yourtown, we understand everyone is unique – and so is their journey to finding work. We don’t just help with the job hunt. We provide tailored, youth-focused support for young people to get work, skills and practical help to transform their lives.

yourtown has been delivering youth specialist Employment Services for 18 years and is a well-respected, long-term Transition to Work provider. Come join our Transition to Work program where you can make a positive impact on the lives of young people within the community.

your benefits

When you join yourtown you will be welcomed into a safe, inclusive, and diverse community and an established and reputable national organisation. We are a resilient, resourceful, and dedicated team who strive to make a difference and not accept the status quo.

Your employment experience will include:

• salary sacrifice options to increase your take home pay
• regular line supervision and support plus internal practice supervision
• opportunities for internal and external professional development
• free access to LinkedIn Learning including over 16,000 learning modules
• a genuine focus on employee health and wellbeing
• yourWellness program includes free access to Calm & Centr Apps
• access to free and confidential counselling sessions for you and members of your immediate family
• access to discounted private health insurance, banking and finance, insurance, and superannuation through our partner organisations
• an environment that genuinely values diversity and cultural capability and is an equal opportunity employer

how to apply

If you believe in the power of young people and in yourself, join team yourtown and have an amazing impact on the lives of young people, their families, neighbourhoods and the wider community in Australia.

To apply, and for a full Position Description please visit: https://careers.yourtown.com.au/

Contact: Lily Welch | Talent Acquisition Specialist | [email protected]

yourtown is committed to providing services that protect and keep children, young people and adults at risk free from harm. The appointment of successful applicants will be subject to satisfactory screening for child-related employment including the completion of a National Criminal History Check and retention of a valid Working with Children Check.

yourtown supports vaccination as the best way to keep our people and our communities safe from Covid-19. We require all employees, volunteers, students and contractors to be fully vaccinated against Covid-19 as a condition of employment.

“In our team we value diversity, inclusivity and people who want to make a difference”

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