Family Counsellor Queanbeyan Multilingual Centre Inc


Multicultural Hub Canberra 

Multicultural Hub Canberra (mHUB) is managed by Queanbeyan Multilingual Centre Inc and provides support services for migrants, refugees and asylum seekers in Canberra and the SE NSW region. These services include the integrated welcome service, migrant/refugee settlement services, multicultural youth services, multicultural women’s services, multicultural employment service and the multicultural counselling service.


The Multicultural Hub is located at the Theo Notaras Multicultural Centre in Canberra and Gunners Place. The range of services include family and youth, employment, education, accommodation, health, women and counselling which are provided through case management, workshops, schools, community, and outreach programs. 




The Family Connections Program supports young people aged 15-24 and their families to improve family functioning and reduce the risk of homelessness. Primary focus will be on multicultural young people and families however will support all young people in order to create an inclusive and accessible service. 


The program works with young people and their families to address their complex and intersecting factors through a youth centred/family focused integrated service model. 


Family Connections aims to improve family connection and safety and address the diverse needs to improve outcomes for individuals and families and reduce the risk of family breakdown and youth homelessness. 


The program provides a multidisciplinary approach offering intensive therapeutic case management, family mediation and restorative conferencing and individual and family counselling. 


Conflict Resolution Service are the lead agency in partnership with Multicultural HUB Canberra (mHub) to deliver this integrated service.



Individual and family counselling is provided to young people where mental health is a major contributing factor to current or future homelessness. It is also provided when the young person or their family relationships have been significantly impacted by complex trauma including experiences of domestic and family violence. 


The counsellor will work in close collaboration with the therapeutic case manager to facilitate the preservation and reunification of young people and their families. 


Young people will have access to a CRS counsellor or mHub counsellor depending on their preference.


More Information

For more information, please contact Zakia at [email protected]



Queanbeyan Multilingual Centre Inc

Job Salary

Part time