Family Violence Case Manager WRISC Family Violence Support


WRISC Family Violence Support aims to assist women and children who are experiencing, or have experienced, family violence to receive the most appropriate and timely service.

This WRISC  case management role involves providing a range of supports including safety planning, ongoing risk assessment using the MARAM (Multi Agency Risk Assessment and Management) framework, case management, intensive case management and outreach services to women and children in the Central Highlands Region. 

WRISC is a member of the Central Highlands Integrated Family Violence Committee and our services are delivered within an integrated service system working closely with police, courts and other agencies.

This is a 12 month position. 


Position Objectives:

  • To provide case management support for women and children, working with them to achieve their identified goals.
  • Work across client facing teams: Dhurrung Wunggurrwil, Van Go, Family Violence Outreach Program.
  • Ongoing assessment and response to the diverse needs of service users.
  • Promote women and children’s safety, self-determination and well-being within the community and wider population.
  • Liaise with relevant local government bodies, community based services and private services to advocate for women and children, and to promote WRISC values and vision.


  1. Service Delivery

Deliver client directed family violence services in a case management framework including intensive case management: 

Case Management:

  • Provide women with information about their rights and responsibilities as a client of the organisation, and the services available at WRISC, and supply with relevant client information where safe and appropriate to do so.
  • Provide specialist information and advice for women and children regarding family violence and its associated harms. Support them to explore the range of options, services and resources available to promote their rights and safety, and to redress the harm and disadvantage associated with gendered violence and abuse.
  • Provide holistic case management, and negotiate and implement a support plan in collaboration with women and their children centred on their goals, and supporting safety and stability.
  • Where possible and appropriate provide the client with a copy of any written plans (e.g. safety plan, preliminary case plan).
  • Understand and use SHIP (data management and client information software) in accordance with case – management guidelines.
  • Provide crisis intervention when required and prioritise safety for all concerned in the response.
  • Undertake ongoing Risk Assessment and Safety Planning using the MARAM (Multi Agency Risk Assessment and Management) framework and case management guidelines.
  • Report critical incidents and serious and imminent concerns for safety of clients, staff, their children or others to a Team Leader, Program Manager  or Chief Executive Officer and implement response as required. 
  • Work closely and effectively with relevant services including The Orange Door, the Courts, Police, child protection and other services as part of an integrated response to family violence. Attend client related meetings and case conferences as required.
  • When and if appropriate facilitate referrals and consultations with other specialist services.
  • Identify existing service supports and determine whether WRISC has a role in liaising with these supports (e.g. advocacy, support and other case management tasks).  If so, gain appropriate consent.
  • Advocate for women and children to negotiate the service system effectively and redress the harm caused by family violence.
  • Advocate for and support women through Court processes at regional Magistrates Courts including preparation for Court, facilitating access to Court resources and supports, provision of information about Court process and procedures and supporting women to access legal advice.
  • Advocate for and assist women with housing options as appropriate, including private rental, Office of Housing.
  • If and when appropriate develop working relationships with other agencies providing direct or indirect support to women and children who have experienced family violence to ensure an integrated response to women and children affected by family violence.
  • Maintain client and workplace confidentiality at all times while adhering to Duty of Care responsibilities and other legal requirements.
  • Perform all service delivery duties in accordance with professional practice standards and professional code of ethics.
  • Demonstrate cultural sensitivity and professional approach to client diversity. Provide sensitive and informed support through secondary consultation and co-case management with culturally specific services.
  • Community education and/or co-facilitation of women’s and children’s therapeutic support groups may be negotiated as part of duties.



WRISC Family Violence Support

Job Salary

Not Provided