Mental Health Recovery Specialist Uniting (Victoria and Tasmania) Limited


Working in a part time-time capacity, the Transition Recovery Specialist will be responsible for:

  • Fostering independent living and recovery for clients of the public clinical mental health service system who have a severe mental illness and associated psychiatric disability
  • Reducing the likelihood that clients with a severe mental illness will develop lifelong disability due to their mental illness by intervening early, and
  • Reducing avoidable need for more intensive acute mental health services by providing integrated treatment and psychosocial recovery care in the community

The role will also support clients to return, or progress to, independent living by delivering psychosocial support to: 

  • Improve their capacity for self-management of their mental illness
  • Develop the knowledge and confidence they need to make decisions and choices about their support needs
  • Enhance adaptive coping skills and decrease self-harming behaviour
  • Learn or relearn skills, and develop confidence, required for activities of daily living

Click here for the position description

What’s on offer

An opportunity to be involved in project opportunities across the broader AOD, Mental Health & Carer Services division.

Autonomy and ownership of the role to really make a mark. Supported by situational leadership that adapts to meet your needs and guide you where necessary.

In addition to receiving an hourly rate of $41 – $44 per hour +superannuation, you’ll also receive 17.5% leave loading and access to the full $15,900 salary packaging benefits. There is also an option for additional purchased leave to increase your annual leave entitlements.

About you

To be successful in the role, the ideal candidate will have:

  • Relevant Mental Health and/or Welfare qualification (Desirable)
  • Competencies in dual diagnosis
  • Working knowledge of the relevant legislation, related policy and awareness of current trends in mental health service delivery
  • Demonstrated understanding of mental services interventions for responding to clients with complexity of needs and at risk
  • Understanding of vulnerabilities which people with mental illness experience

How to apply

Click APPLY to submit your interest and we’ll be in touch shortly. We’ll be reviewing applications as they come through as we’re keen to engage with someone.

If you have questions about the opportunity, please contact Toni Smith, Team Leader RESTART via email – [email protected]  

About Uniting

At Uniting we are passionate about working together to inspire people, enliven communities and confront injustice. We have a 5,000 strong workforce of employees and volunteers who deliver a diverse range of services across Victoria and Tasmania.

Visit us: 

Uniting is a child safe organisation and is committed in everyday practice to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all children, at all times. As a ‘child safe’ organisation, employment with Uniting is subject to a satisfactory national (and international where relevant) police check and relevant Working with Children Check in your State prior to commencement of any paid or unpaid work and/or participation in any service or undertaking.

Uniting is also committed to equal opportunity and ensuring the workplace is reflective of the community. We encourage people from different backgrounds to apply, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds and people with a disability.




Uniting (Victoria and Tasmania) Limited

Job Salary


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