Positive Behaviour Support Practitioner (Allied Health Professional) ABLE Australia


Are you an Allied Health Professional, passionate about investigating and understanding the purpose behind behaviours of concern with experience in one for the following fields?

  • Occupational Therapist
  • Social Worker
  • Art Therapist
  • Psychologist
  • Behaviour Therapist
  • Teacher

If you enjoy working with people and supporting them to develop their skills and abilities, then this role could be the next great step in your career journey.


Location: Ipswich, QLD

Employment Type: Ongoing / Full-time

Award: Allied Health Professionals Award

Able’s Positive Behaviour Support team assists clients with complex needs and dual diagnosis, including sensory, psychosocial, intellectual and physical impairments. Our team are highly trained in skills teaching, reducing restrictive practices, and supporting staff and loved ones. We are looking for another enthusiastic practitioner to add their skills to our team.

You will be part of a team providing consultation, behaviour support planning and staff training, and will be supported to continue to develop your skills and expertise in Positive Behaviour Support. As a growing team there is ample room for you to continue developing your practice, with professional development and consultations available with our Allied Health team and Centre of Excellence in Deafblindness.

Skills and experience required to be successful in this role:

  • Commitment to high quality person-centred services, individual rights and diversity, interests and aspirations
  • Experience using person-centred approaches and positive behaviour support, and understanding how they relate to challenging behaviour
  • Professional practice and understanding of confidentiality and professional boundaries
  • High level of interpersonal and communication skills to develop relationships with team members, participants, stakeholders and manage sensitive or emotionally charged situations
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills to ensure clear and concise information is presented to individuals, colleagues, teams, and other stakeholders
  • Evidenced problem-solving skills to identify problems, develop solutions and create change using a logical and systematic approach

For further information regarding the role and its requirements, please refer to the position description attached via our careers page: https://careers.ableaustralia.org.au/en/job/494011/positive-behaviour-support-practitioner

At Able Australia we offer:

  • Attractive Not for Profit Salary Packaging Benefits, in addition to above award conditions.
  • Flexible starting times and working from home options offering a better work/life balance
  • Collaborative and positive team environments where your ideas matter
  • Able Rewards program offering discounts to a variety of retailers
  • Continuous support and supervision to enable you to develop and progress.


Able Australia is a leading provider of disability services across Tasmania, Victoria, the ACT and South East Queensland. For over 50 years we have proudly supported people with multiple disabilities and deafblindness to achieve their goals.

Committed to Trust, Respect, Excellence and Kindness, we provide high quality supports that reflect evidence-based best practice and we strive to ensure our clients live better days, every day.


If you are an Allied Health professional who is people-focused, goal-oriented, and takes pride in building and maintaining strong and positive professional partnerships, we would love to hear from you.

Please click on the APPLY NOW button and complete the online application form.  You will need to upload your resume, cover letter, and address the selection criteria as per the position description.

Applications must be submitted by COB 5.00pm Sunday 17th September 2023.

Early applications are encouraged.

For any questions or more information please contact Yvette Hyde on 0448 878 714  [email protected].

Please note that you must be eligible to work in Australia to be considered for this position. As part of the Able Australia’s recruitment and selection process, applicants will be required to undergo pre-employment checks as required, applicants will be subject to, but not limited to, the following checks: National Police Check, International Police Check (if applicable), NDIS Worker Screening Check, Right to Work in Australia, COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate (in line with current government requirements), vehicle and drivers licence, and a current professional registration