School Psychologist (0.4 FTE) Mercy College


Mercy College is a Catholic Secondary College for young women conducted in the Mercy tradition of compassion and caring for students and their families.

We are seeking a School Psychologist, for a 0.4 ongoing position commencing 29 January 2024.

The School Psychologist provides confidential individual and group counselling intervention to students, and also works proactively with the student body to promote mental health awareness and psychoeducation. The School Psychologist also provides advice and assistance to teaching staff in developing strategies for working with students to help students academically, socially, behaviourally and emotionally.

Appointees are expected to show understanding of and commitment to the Catholic ethos of the College. Mercy College is committed to creating and maintaining a child safe environment in which students feel safe and are safe. A condition of employment is that teachers are deemed to be suitable to work with children.

Applications due no later than 4pm Friday 8 December 2023 and will be processed upon receipt.

An application form and a position description are available from the college website:

To apply – please provide a letter of application and a current CV, as well as the application form – non-teaching available from the College website to:  [email protected]