Wellbeing Counsellor Peppercorn Services Inc


The Wellbeing Support Worker is responsible for providing quality servcie provision that focuses on individual health and wellbeing outcomes of clients, using trauma informed wellbeing and mental health assessments. 

They will provide individuals with emotional support and psychological first aid, supported referrals and links to specialist recovery and mental health services, where requested or required. 

The Wellbeing Support Worker will provide up to 10 free counselling sessions for individuals and families affected by natural disasters in the Hawkesbury, Penrith and Lithgow LGA’s.

They will deliver trauma informed psycho – educational groups and programs to individuals, groups and community members. 

The Wellbeing Support Worker is required to build the capacity of individuals, improving their health and wellbeing outcomes. 

Preferred experience working with children and adults using techniques such as art therapy, music therapy etc. and/or school counselling.  



Peppercorn Services Inc

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