Difference between counsellor and therapist

If you are unsure about the difference between a counsellor and a therapist, you’re not the first or the last. Here the main differences will be highlighted between the two and in the process, it will tell you more about counselling and the nature of the counsellor-client relationship. Counselling and…

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Why is Counselling Needed?

The purpose of counselling is to assist people who require outside help to manage and resolve their personal difficulties. People seek out counselling when they want to change something in their lives, or to explore their thoughts and feelings in a more in-depth manner with a professional. Counselling exists to…

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The Counselling Process: Going Through The 5 Stages Of Change

Counselling is a process using an interpersonal relationship between counsellor and client that guides clients through transitions and issues in their lives. These issues are of an emotional, behavioural, and environmental nature that may be deep-seated. To overcome and manage these, counselling focuses on the client’s emotional and intellectual experience,…

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Changes To DSM-V-TR And What It Means

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, Text Revision (DSM-V-TR) is the authoritative guide for diagnosing mental health disorders in the U.S and is also used internationally as a research standard. Mental health research is always delivering new insights and evolving the field, and when a new…

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Why Counsellor Boundaries Are Necessary

Knowing boundaries is key to creating a mutual understanding between the client and the counsellor. This can help clients approach their counselling sessions with the right frame of mind and with greater clarity on how to achieve what’s best for their wellbeing. Professional boundaries can include length of sessions, general…

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Counselling Barriers and How to Overcome Them

As a counsellor, it won’t be unusual to encounter disruptions and barriers to counselling clients. Part of the job is navigating through these obstacles with clients. These can come from the clients themselves or from external sources, such as family members or environmental factors. Being aware of the situations where…

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