NDIS: application for recognition as a counselling member organisation

View Response from minister Member qualifications and expectations Our members are required to practise at the highest standard and when you join Certified Practising Counsellors Australia, you are joining a community of Counselling Professionals who are dedicated to the sector. CPCA is a professional organisation dedicated to advocating for and on behalf of counsellors and…

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The Ndis And Providing Counselling To People With Disabilities

The NDIS and providing counselling to people with disabilities

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a national scheme that provides funding to eligible people with disabilities and connects them to services in their community, including counselling. The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) is responsible for implementing the NDIS and delivering it to Australians who have significant and permanent disabilities. There are common misconceptions…

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Confidentiality in Counselling

Confidentiality in Counselling

The purpose of confidentiality Ethical behaviour is fundamental to the counselling practice and one of the ethical concepts that are at the core of the profession is confidentiality. It is important to ensure all work, client interactions and documentation needs follow the appropriate laws and the privacy and confidentiality requirements of your organisation. When clients…

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A Counsellor's Duty of Care

A Counsellor’s Duty of Care

What is duty of care Ensuring clients and colleagues are safe and treated appropriately is the vital obligation of every counsellor, which is why duty of care must be heavily considered. Duty of care is legally written into the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 and is your responsibility to protect the safety and wellbeing…

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Staying Within your Scope of Practice

Staying Within your Scope of Practice

A scope of practice is a profession’s full spectrum of roles, responsibilities, actions, and decision-making capacity that individuals within that profession are authorised to carry out. Scope of practice is the area in which you as a counsellor can practise in a competent, safe, and lawful way that adheres to counselling standards and does not…

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What is Transference and How to Deal With it

What is Transference and How to Deal With it

In counselling, transference is when the client unknowingly redirects feelings onto their counsellor that are about an entirely separate individual. This is a normal occurrence that can happen to clients when they are being counselled and represents a complicated mix of emotions, memories, and subconscious behaviour. A client can unconsciously transfer anger, fear, affection, attachment,…

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Why Counsellor Boundaries Are Necessary

Why Counsellor Boundaries Are Necessary

Knowing boundaries is key to creating a mutual understanding between the client and the counsellor. This can help clients approach their counselling sessions with the right frame of mind and with greater clarity on how to achieve what’s best for their wellbeing. Professional boundaries can include length of sessions, general tone of the relationship, disclosure…

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The Counselling Process: Going Through The 5 Stages Of Change

The Counselling Process: Going Through the 5 Stages of Change

Counselling is a process using an interpersonal relationship between counsellor and client that guides clients through transitions and issues in their lives. These issues are of an emotional, behavioural, and environmental nature that may be deep-seated. To overcome and manage these, counselling focuses on the client’s emotional and intellectual experience, how they are feeling, and…

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Why is Counselling Needed?

Why is Counselling Needed?

The purpose of counselling is to assist people who require outside help to manage and resolve their personal difficulties. People seek out counselling when they want to change something in their lives, or to explore their thoughts and feelings in a more in-depth manner with a professional. Counselling exists to help individuals look at, identify,…

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